Saturday, December 27, 2014

New Yeat Resolutaion: Change

 Image source:
The new year is almost here.  I've been thinking about what my new year resolutions would be and I think I have it.  It's time for a mental change.  Writing has always been a fun hobby for me.  Something I loved doing and hoped one day to do for a living but only when I was grown up.  Well this year I will change that.  I'm still thinking like a want-a-be writer.  If I want to get better I need to change that and start thinking like a professional writer.  So that is my goal this coming year.  Take writing seriously and put all my effort into it instead of a casual attempt.  The way I think has to change before my writing does.

So what are your new year resolutions?

Have a great week 
Morgan J

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bright, Colorful, Loud,

Merry Christmas.  I thought it best to start out with something cheerful because I have been so blatantly neglectful of my blog the last month.  Christmas is almost here.  The tree is up, the lights are lit, hot chocolate has been made and drunk, all the presents have been bought.  Food still needs cooking, still some presents need rapping and the last few candles wait to be light.  This is a bright season.  Bright and colorful and loud.  With lots of demands for my attention and time and money and focus.  I'm trying to remember that this year.  Last year all the hubbub depressed me during one of the happiest times of the year.  Not this year.  This year I will laugh at the business and find the joy and funny behind all the noise.  This year will be the best Christmas ever.  And next year will be better.  Can you tell I'm feeling optimistic?  This a really short post, sorry.  Christmas has been on my mind sense Dec 1 and everything about Christmas has already been said.  I'm happy, excited, and ready.  What else can I say?

All of you have a joyful Christmas.
Morgan J 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

No Excuses November Is Here

I don't like excuses.  Excuses are me trying to blame someone else or circumstances for my own failures.  But still I catch myself saying things like "I got busy and forgot."  Yep I confess I made that excuse just a few minutes ago when I looked at my documents and it suddenly hit me that I had not written a post yesterday.  But honestly it is not true.  I remembered yesterday at lunch time and decided to put it off and get my NaNoWriMo writing done first.  So it was my fault and I'm sorry if any of you were waiting in agitated expectancy for my post.  
Speaking of NaNoWriMo how are all you novelers doing?  I'm just keeping up with it.  I have a little friendly competition with Della.  Every time I get ahead she goes on a writing spree and passes me.  Then I'll write a few thousand on the weekend and pass her.  It's really funny how excited we both get about it.  Yesterday when I passed her word count I was bouncing in my chair with joy and telling everyone in ear shot that "I passed Della!"  It's more fun when your doing it with someone. 
For lack of anything better to say I have picked out some samples of my writing so far.

"Everyday he pushed them all harder, moved quicker.  He could feel the forest and mountains closing in on them each day."

"Two mountains loomed on either side marking the end of the Salto Mountains.  Between them ran a great valley with flat open land that sparkled green and lush under the summer sun.  It looked like the welcoming arms of Cypress to the tired group."

"They have traveled hard at your warning for six full days now.  We have reached the end and I say they deserve a night to catch their breath and sleep without the forest to bring bad thoughts."

"The grass smelled sweet and comforting, but the way it constantly rustled in the wind made it hard to catch foreign movement.  Kneeling down the Jaden dug his hands into the cool damp earth.  It gave way under his weight.  The grass rubbed against his shoulder.  There, a movement.  Two, no five dark shapes against the silver grass.  The young man froze."

"One of the big men grabbed her up and carrying her back to the corner dropped her down harshly.  As the girl bounced up immediately he hit her a ringing back hand to the cheek.  The blow spun her around and her head cracked on the wall.  She slumped to the floor, her crazy red hair spread over the floor like a puddle of blood."

Yes I tend to beat up my characters.  "I'm sorry Resh."  She is alright I promise.  You all have tons of fun writing and have a blessed week.
Morgan J

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Long Weekend

Well I completely forgot that I had to write a post this weekend till Friday night.  On any other Friday night that would have been fine, I would have spent a few hours Saturday and written up a post, but last Friday I was at Devils Den State Park for a weekend camping trip.  Our phones didn't have service most of the time much less internet.  So I'll just give you all an over view of what happened.
Friday night it was just me and big sister.  It was freezing even with a heater and a big blanket.  During the night my air mattress deflated and I was on the ground freezing.  Big sister also had to have a corner of the tent door open so it was really freezing.  Did I mention that it was a really cold night?  And being the brilliant prepared person that I am I had forgotten my jacket and hadn't packed any long sleeves shirts.  So Saturday morning I have to get up and get the grill going in the 50 degree weather in my short sleeves.  I could see my breath in the air, and my arms were going numb.  Do you get the idea?  It was a bit cool that first night and morning.  But the sun came up as it always does and soon I was all warmed up and we went off to find cell service.  Little sister was suppose to join us and we were worried that she wouldn't know where to find us.  There wasn't room in the camp grounds so we were allowed to camp in the horse camp and we couldn't remember if we had told little sister that.  Well we got in touch with her and gave her directions.  By the time we went to the store and got back to camp she was there and after lunch we all went hiking.  We went on Devils Den trail.  The Devils Den was locked up though.  Because of the White Nose Syndrome that is spreading south west from New York state that is killing 95 to 100% of the bats in the caves it hits.  There were overhangs that are not officially caves and we could explore those.  Those were cool.  I discovered that I love rock climbing.  After that trail little sister wanted to go back to camp so we dropped her off and big sis and me went up Yellow Rock Trail.  It was pretty.  No caves but a good view and a funny group of East Texans at the top.  That night was much better.  Every time I would wake up I would think how much better it was this night then it was last night.   Sunday we were going to go hiking in Ozark National Forest but we couldn't find any hiking trails.  We spent the day driving around looking for trails. Though we did get sleeping bags and that made that last night a lot better.  This morning the sisters wanted to head straight home but I wanted to go on around the Devils Den trail again.  It was a lot of fun the secant time.  I got to explore a bit more.  It felt like we were exploring Middle Earth.  I'm already thinking about when we could go back.
Back to real life.  But maybe a 9 to 5 job and bills and obligations aren't real life?  Maybe the trips and the writing are real life and we just have to put on a facade so we can interact with the rest of the world.
Sorry again for being late.
You all have a blessed week.
Morgan J

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Warm Colors and Cold Nightins

My Picture
Summer is coming to an end.  The last flowers have bloomed and the nights are growing longer.  This is the season of warm colors and cold nights.  Of new sweaters and good food.  The year is rapping up and National Novel Writing Month is almost here.  I was ready to start writing a novel in the first week of October.   It has been really hard to keep focus on the stories I have going.  The first edit on the Nightin book has sunk to almost nil.  I'm also writing a story for my sister's Christmas present, and that one is still in the planning stages.   I finally figured out what I'm going to write for November, so that means lots of planning and outlining.  Fall has a lot of anticipation rapped up in it; NaNoWriMo, Thanksgiving and looking forward to Christmas.  Personally I'm expecting to write like crazy this fall.  Drink apple cider and tea.  Put flannel sheets on my bed and see Orion in the sky at night.  Cut out red, orange and yellow leaves for the thanksgiving tree.  Ware my warm coats even in the afternoon and watch the leaves change colors.

I hope you enjoy this short season as much as I do.
Have a blessed week.
Morgan J

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Good Villain

this is not my picture
"Why is the villain always stronger then the hero?"
I asked my sister this after we finished watching the Fantastic Four. 
"So they are hard to beat."
It made sense.  You can't have a good movie when your villain isn't hard to beat.  But it started me thinking.  What does the perfect bad guy look like.  Would he be sneaky and more then a little crazy, like Moriarty?  Would he be like most super villains, extraordinarily powerful and completely bad.   I think the perfect antihero would be like Loki, powerful, manipulative and who can give the appearance of working on the right side.  He would be powerful but he would rely more on his mental powers and manipulation then on strength.  Maybe I'll write the perfect villain.  Someone who comes out on top every time.  Novel Writing Mouth is coming up soon.  Maybe I could write a book about a villain?  I'm not sure.  It's ether that or a story set in my story world, ( that I've been trying to write a story for years).  Ether way I think the perfect villain would be hard to tell from a good guy sometime.  He might help the hero for a while just to further his own ends.  Like Shield and Hydra.  Those two were so much alike at times during the secant Captain America movie that it was hard to tell them apart.  That would be a hard bad guy to catch.  Now that I know how he would acted, I need to find out why.  The best villain would need the best motive.  Greed can only go so far.  Hat is over used and not something I could easily relate to.  No, there has to be a really good motive to be the greatest villain.  I will have to give it more thought.  If any of you have any ideas I would love to here them.
You all have a blessed week.
Morgan J

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Making Memory's

I'm a planner, and a dreamer.  I've grown up leaving in my dreams for the future and in my weekly check list.   People always said to write what you know and I never really listened to that advise.  What have I ever done that would be worth writing about?  That's what I thought for a long time.  Then I read an article that explained it for me.  You don't have to actually go on a quest to write about one.  Just remember back to when you spent four hours in a nature park till your feet were numb with walking.  Add to that the time you camped out in the backyard during a storm and your tent sprung a leak.  That was cool I thought, but that was all.  It didn't change anything though.  But a few years ago I realized that I was letting a lot of experiences pass by.  I preferred to stay home and write instead of going out and meeting new people seeing new sights and generally enjoying life.  Since I figured this out I've been making a conscience effort to enjoy the moment.  Instead of relaxing at home I've decided to go out of my way and out of my comfort zone to make memories. 

Yesterday I went to a chalk art contest.  Before I probably would have sat down and watched a movie, but no I was walking around the street watching people coloring with calk and talking to artists about the pictures in their booths till 10:30 at night.  It was so worth it though.  At 10:00 they had people come in and blow fire and spin burning balls.  It was really cool.  Time is moving on and I am falling asleep every few words.  Good night and God bless.
Morgan J

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Colorado Trip

Sorry I'm late with this post.  I was going to do it yesterday but I kept forgetting.  Last time I wrote I was on my way to Colorado.  My family and me went up through New Mexico then into Colorado.  Actually I really loved the desert.  The day we were there it wasn't too hot and the night cooled down nicely.  We stayed at an RV park out in the middle of nowhere.  When we got there it was already dark and there were no lights around at all.  The stars were so bright that first night.  When my sister first told my about the milky way I didn't really believe her.  You kind of have to image it at home, but out in the desert you can see everything.  It was like one of those pictures of the night sky that you see on the internet that look digitally enhanced.  It was one of my favorite sights of the trip.  The rest of the trip the nights were cloudy or we were in a city and we didn't see much of the stars the rest of the trip.  I almost liked the desert better then the Rockys.  The desert was quiet.  We got up in the morning and there was no sound around us at all.  No birds, no bugs, very faintly if you listed hard you could hear water because our camp site was above a lake.  It was really peaceful. 
I took tons of pictures and wrote down things that caught my attention.  I thought you might like to see some of the pictures so here are a few that I liked.

Enjoy and have a blessed week
Morgan J

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Looking Forward

This is not my picture
I keep trying different crafts.  Quilting, beading, crocheting, knitting, weaving, finger weaving, scrapbooking, painting, drawing, and other things that I can't think of a name for.  My latest projects have been more of the 'make it up as I go' kind.  Last Christmas I made a big black dragon out of card stock, paper towel rolls, pip cleaners, tap, and lots of hot glue.  He hangs above my bed.  His name is Verbrennen, which in German means burning.  Recently I finished a hot air balloon/flying house model.  And a steampunk themed mixed media notebook.   One thing I've learned with every new craft is that the first one is never the best.  It may look good to me when I first make it, if I make a few more and learn some more about it the first one will begin to look worse and worse.  When I was nine I made a little quilt.  All by hand and with a night sky embroidered on the back.  I was really proud of that little blanket.  Till my grandmother actually taught me how to quilt and I realized everything that I had done wrong.  I'm still a little proud of that first quilt.  For a nine year old who didn't know how to quilt I think it was a pretty fair attempt.  But it is by no means as good as I thought it was then.  Its that same way for the other crafts.  No matter how good it looks when I make it I know that in a month or two I'm going to look back and see all the flaws that I can't see now.  My friends Della and Sarah mentioned this a few weeks ago when we went to the museum.  Only they applied it to writing, and for some reason I had never really thought about it that way before.  I may write something to day; a character, a phrase. and think it my best work yet.  But I forget that in time my skill with writing will grow and that amazing character will look flat and be filed away under 'good tries'.  The Nightin books that I'm working on now will not be my best work.  No matter how much I edit it will not be my best book.  Actually I'm hope it isn't the best, because in five or ten years I want to be a much better writer.  It's almost sad to think that the Nightin books aren't that good.  But at the same time it's something to look forward to.

Well I need to rap it up.  I'm going to Colorado tomorrow for a week and I have to get some packing done.  Hopefully I'll have some pictures for you next week.
Have a blessed two weeks.
Morgan J

Friday, August 8, 2014

Oh Look I have an Editeor

This is not my picture

I learned how to write during National Novel Writing Month.  NaNoWriMo is a challenge were you try to write a 50,000 word novel in one month.  You tone out that inner-editor and write like there is no tomorrow.  I got pretty good at that.  My inner-editor was almost forgotten after four years of not listening to her.  But then this year I started editing.  In all those past years only once did I edit one of my short stories and then I simple got my big sister to read it and tell my what was wrong.  Not really the same as editing it myself.  Most of the time I never reread any of my writing.  The book was just filed away in a folder in the very deep places of my computer.  All last year I was getting pushed to edit.  My sister would look at my writings and tell me that I really should edit.  Friend who I would tell about my stories would tell me to edit.  My grandparents would read one of my books and say 'Morgan you should really edit this'.  But it took a complete stranger to get it through my head.  I took a writing class with a local author and she read some of my stuff.  She was impressed and told me I should really start editing. "You need to stop writing and finish the books you already have."  I had never thought of it that way, but she had a good point.  My books weren't as I had thought finished.  They were only a ruff draft.  Like a raw diamond that hasn't been cut or polished.  A stranger telling me that woke me up and I finally acted on all the advise that everyone else had been giving me all year.  Editing posed a new problem that I had never in countered before; how do you edit?  It took me a few months but I managed to rewrite the whole plot outline for the first Nightin book, and slowly I began rewriting.  I'm still puttering away on it but every so often I hear my inner-editor pointing out something that can be easily changed.  She is waking up and I'm rather enjoying the help.  It's like having a spell check system in your head that points out confusing sentences and weak scenes.  I don't hear her often but maybe that's just because I don't know how to listen.  This summer I made the goal of 10,000 edited words and right now I'm only half done, but if I can write 50,000 words in one month I can surly edit 5,000 in the same time.  it's all a work in progress.

Have a blessed week
Morgan J

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Challenge Me

We have not internet.  More accurately I am have no internet.  My two sisters have their smart phones so they get internet on that.  Truth is I don't really miss it.  I miss the music and the wide selection of movies to choose from.  We don't have a TV ether so there is nothing to distract me from writing.  Oh joy.  So I invented a game.  I was looking more for an excuse to spend time with my sisters that did not involve  watching a movie on the laptop.  It turned out to be really fun.  And they actually liked it.   I call it the Challenge, because it sounds cool and I couldn't think of any other name.  We each challenge the others with something random.  So that each person gets two random things that they have to incorporate into a drawing or in my case a short story.  The story has to be short or it will take way too long.  Last Saturday was the last time we did it.  My challenges were 'book' and the 'Chi Rho' which is the Greek symbol for Christ.  But this time the story I came up with would not be told in a few pages.  I'm still working on it, kind of, between editing and crafts and work and reading.  My sisters say that we can't do another challenge till I get it done.  I'm planing to get it done this week.  The game really is a lot of fun and it gives me a writing excuse to avoid editing.  It is also forcing me to write shorter stories and planing ahead so that the story doesn't run away with itself.  This has been more of a rambling post but I put off writing it till too late.  I will do better next time. 

You all have a blessed week.
Morgan J

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Three Faces

Lately I've been thinking about two of my favorite characters and why I like them.  In 2009 I started writing my first real novel.  Everything I wrote before was a poor and recognizable copy.  It started with my older sister telling me to write something about WW2 because I was so fascinated by that time period.  I came up with a story that I liked and told chapters of it to myself every night before I fell asleep.  When one of the characters died I actually made myself cry.  My sister encouraged me to write it down and finally I started it.  Without a title we called it German Brothers for the lack of something better.  In 2011 when I finished the first draft I finally found the name; Harder to Win.  I got it from the Bible verse that says "A brother offended is harder to win then a walled city."  The main character was named Johann and he was the first character that really became real to me.  He is the sober, mature side me.  In 2012 I started a long series of books about a family of brothers.  In the second book a villain showed up that I had not been prepared for.  Searcher Maze Mirrorson came in as a bounty hunter and turned into a funny, sometimes crazy young man who is insecure and lonely. 
These two characters are based off two different sides of my own personality.  I read somewhere that every person we bring to life on the white page is a version of us.  We put a bit of ourselves in each character.  At first I was a little skeptical.  So I tried to make up someone based on someone else.  His name is Journey.  And he is by far my least liked character.  He is really annoying.  What ever happens you can be sure Journey will do the one thing that bugs me the most.  Guess what? As I learned more about him I discovered that instead of being completely different, Journey actually has almost the same personality as me.  Now how irritating is that?  That is so like him.  After all the trouble I went to he turns out to be the opposite of all I was trying to make him.  He is like my evil twin.  But, I will not waste this post in ranting on how much I dislike this guy.  Searcher is so much fun to write and when I'm not writing about him I actually start to miss him.  Johann is like my perfect big brother.  If I had a big brother I would want him to be like Johann.  In Johann I put all the characteristics that I want to cultivate in myself.  Searcher got all the mischievous qualities that I enjoy.  Most of the time the Johann side of me won't let me do them but every once in awhile on weekends I can get away with being a little silly.  The part of me that relates to Johann keeps me moderate and mature and matter of fact.  While the bit of Searcher in my head keeps me laughing and having fun.  I love one because he is a better version of me.  And I love the other because he is just fun to hang around, and he gets to do all the things I would be too scared to do.  (Like turn all the lights off in school when everyone's talking.)
I'll see you all in a few weeks,
Morgan J

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Moving away from home for the first time is fun and exciting.  Stressful sometimes and scary all the time.  I moved out with two of my sisters and they have made the whole experience so much easier and harder then it would have been along.  Three girls in a single bedroom apartment can get on each others nerves.

"We're out of space we need to put the books on top of the shelf."

"No, I think it looks bad.  We can just stick the notebooks in a box."

"No, I want to be able to find my notebooks."

And so it goes on.  There have been many argument in our little apartment, and there will be more.  We knew it would happen before we moved out.  You can't put three girls in a one bedroom apartment with the same car and same place of work and not expect a lot confrontation.  But instead of splitting us up it has helped us grow closer.  Every time we make up we learn more about each other and how to get along with them.
Arguments aren’t so bad when you end them the right way.  When you end the discussion knowing more about the other person and understanding them better, you did it right.   Last week I asked my older sister for ideas on what to write about in the next post, she came back right away with “arguments”.  I got to thinking about confrontation in life and stories.  In life it forces you to go past the ordinary “hi, how are you” kind of conversations.  An argument shows you a vulnerable part of that person and opens the door for you to get to know them better.  The same thing applies to stories.  That moment of weakness gives you a chance to show the characters fears and motivations.  It gives the different characters an opportunity to get closer and the reader to get closer to the characters.  Arguments can be used as a tool introduce the readers to hidden sides of your characters.  

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Writer Side of Me


Someone asked me last week what I wrote about on my blog and my answer was "I don't know, random things."  So I figure it is time I start getting some focus, that is part of the reason I am joining the #Mywriting Process Tour.  The other reason is Della from Gut Level Christian invited me and it sounded like fun.  Its really simple,you talk about your writing process and answer these three questions:  

1 What am I working on now?

2 Why do I write what I do?

3 How does my writing process work?

Then list three bloggers who are going to post and share their links.  Finding three people to post after you is probably the hardest part. 

Right now I was working on editing the first Nightin book.  This is really a big deal because in all my five years of writing I have never edited a single one of my books.  I was planing to finish the fourth book this summer and the fifth this November but now I'm just going for the first book rewritten.  The first draft had a drop dead ending.  Where a big airship bursts into flames and crashes, the end.  I talked to an author about those kinds of endings and she advised me to write the book so that it could stand along.  That meant completly rewriting the plot for the first book.  It covers lest time story wise, but as far as I can tell it will be just as long.  So far I'm only on the third seane but I have decided to do 500 words a day for the rest of the month and maybe next mouths if things go well. 

I write for the fun of it.  I've been telling stories sense I was six or seven.  Stories were always a part of living.  If I go too long without writing I start acting strange.  Sometimes I'll be depressed and then the next day I'll be silly and random.  Writing is a challenge that I love and look forward to every time I open a blank page.  I write because I love it and I want to get better.  With each idea I think this is the book, this could be my favorite book.  I keep trying to write a book that I would love to read over again.  

My writing process?  This one is a little harder.  Well first I get an idea for a character or a setting or a plot and play with it.  I'll get to know the character or do some back story on a setting.  Throwing some 'what if''s into a plot is really fun.  When I have a character that I like and think can tell a story I just start writing.  I find out more about the story and characters by writing them.  So far I have not been able to start a story from just a setting which is a disappointment because I have a really cool made up world that has history's and mythology's and the beginnings of several languages but no characters have caught my attention.  Anyway, so I start writing with a plot most likely a character and the story unravels from there.  Unless it is the Nightin story that took me a year to find a plot that fit the characters.  When I am working on a book I generally work on it till it gets done.  I learned how to write from NaNoWriMo so writers block is practically nonexistent.  I can only remember one case of writers block that I had a few years.  It was between books and I could not get a good idea to work on.  Back to the subject though.  I write till its done and then I move on to the next story, some times I'll plot the story first most of the time I just jump into the story.   

Well that's all I think.  This was kind of fun.  Ellie Moore from Jabbering of a few teenage authors (to be) will be posting next.  I am afraid I failed to dig up the other two bloggers to follow my post so if your reading this and want to write one to, just leave a comment and I can put your link up.  You would be doing me a favor.

Thanks for reading and have a blessed week.

Morgan J


What do you all think of the new title?  Is it hard to understand or does prudence sound like a name instead of another word for common sense?  I would love to get your opinion on it.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Whispers of Research

I'm late.  So sorry.  I did write a post though.  I had a post ready to go on Wednesday.  It was all done and I even pushed the publish button, and . . . . nothing.  For what ever reason the internet would not work.  I tried all that day and it never took.  In the evening I drove over to Starbucks and it still would not post.  I have not had a chance to get to another internet sores till just now.  But as it happened I forgot to bring my little touch pad with my post on it so I have to write up a new one.  No matter it was just rambling about my favorite character. 
Well this is the secant week of living in an apartment and it seems like everything was going wrong not with the apartment but with me.  On Monday my right eye was so swollen and irritated that I could barely function.  So on Tuesday I went to the emergency care center.  They told me to go to the eyes doctor.  On Wednesday I started loosing my voice, and when you work with kids that is quite a handicap.  Thursday I went to the eye doctor and he told me I had several Corneal ulcers that means eye drops every waking hour.  Friday I could barely talk above a whisper.  And that brings us to Saturday.  To day my voice is better and my eye is good I just can't ware my contacts which means everything beyond arms reach is blurry.  But I am feeling better then I have been all week so to day is the best day of the week for more than one reason.
I've started doing some research for my current project.  The Nightin story is a steampunk, which is Victorian historical fiction with a little syfy mixed in.  I got a book from the library and I've been watching movies set in the Victorian period.  My grandmother found a steampunk movie for me called The Adventurer: Curse of the Midas Box.  One of the characters named Captain Will Charity reminded me of one of the characters from my book.  Dapper, witty, always cheerful under the hardest situation, at lest that is what I think of him as.  To someone else he may just be a crazy young man who doesn't know what he's saying.  That movie and the fact that I am editing or rewriting the first book of this series has pushed me to do more research on my genre.  I have to pay more attention to how they talk and manners of that society.  How did people in that time period talk?  That is what I am trying to learn and hopefully discover what book Flame Nightin would bother to come to Dart for that could not be found in Early's library. 
With the wave of the hand and a flick of the wrist I will wish you all adieu till next time.  I think Saturdays will work for me best, so not next Saturday but the Saturday after that I will write you again.
Morgan J

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Secant Draft

Hello all,
I'm still alive.  You probably forgot all about me and my tiny blog.  No matter.  I forgive you.  Life goes on.
Now I have to be completely honest with you readers.  My writing group gave us all some homework; to publish a blog.  So this is me doing my long overdue assignment.  Also people have told me as a want-to-be author, that I need to make connections.  Here's me putting myself out there.  Do you feel the connection?  Me nether.  I'll just have to keep trying. 
As part of the homework I am revamping the whole blog, new title new look, everything I can think of; the secant draft of the blog if you will.  I will also be posting every two weeks.  That doesn't sound like very much but if you consider that before I have rarely ever posted more then once every two months, this seems like quite the overflow. 
I'm not sure what day of the week my next post will come on, but for sure some time two weeks from now.  I can believe I just committed to that.  Maybe its because I'm writing this at 1 in the morning.  I get a little strange late at night.  When it gets about 12:00 I start doing and saying things that I wouldn't normally do if I were sane.  I better publish this to night before my sanity returns to me and I chicken out.  If I wait I will never get this started.

So on that note, good night or good morning which ever one it is, I write you again in two weeks.
Morgan J