Sunday, September 7, 2014

Colorado Trip

Sorry I'm late with this post.  I was going to do it yesterday but I kept forgetting.  Last time I wrote I was on my way to Colorado.  My family and me went up through New Mexico then into Colorado.  Actually I really loved the desert.  The day we were there it wasn't too hot and the night cooled down nicely.  We stayed at an RV park out in the middle of nowhere.  When we got there it was already dark and there were no lights around at all.  The stars were so bright that first night.  When my sister first told my about the milky way I didn't really believe her.  You kind of have to image it at home, but out in the desert you can see everything.  It was like one of those pictures of the night sky that you see on the internet that look digitally enhanced.  It was one of my favorite sights of the trip.  The rest of the trip the nights were cloudy or we were in a city and we didn't see much of the stars the rest of the trip.  I almost liked the desert better then the Rockys.  The desert was quiet.  We got up in the morning and there was no sound around us at all.  No birds, no bugs, very faintly if you listed hard you could hear water because our camp site was above a lake.  It was really peaceful. 
I took tons of pictures and wrote down things that caught my attention.  I thought you might like to see some of the pictures so here are a few that I liked.

Enjoy and have a blessed week
Morgan J

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