This is not my picture |
I keep trying different crafts. Quilting, beading, crocheting, knitting, weaving, finger weaving, scrapbooking, painting, drawing, and other things that I can't think of a name for. My latest projects have been more of the 'make it up as I go' kind. Last Christmas I made a big black dragon out of card stock, paper towel rolls, pip cleaners, tap, and lots of hot glue. He hangs above my bed. His name is Verbrennen, which in German means burning. Recently I finished a hot air balloon/flying house model. And a steampunk themed mixed media notebook. One thing I've learned with every new craft is that the first one is never the best. It may look good to me when I first make it, if I make a few more and learn some more about it the first one will begin to look worse and worse. When I was nine I made a little quilt. All by hand and with a night sky embroidered on the back. I was really proud of that little blanket. Till my grandmother actually taught me how to quilt and I realized everything that I had done wrong. I'm still a little proud of that first quilt. For a nine year old who didn't know how to quilt I think it was a pretty fair attempt. But it is by no means as good as I thought it was then. Its that same way for the other crafts. No matter how good it looks when I make it I know that in a month or two I'm going to look back and see all the flaws that I can't see now. My friends Della and Sarah mentioned this a few weeks ago when we went to the museum. Only they applied it to writing, and for some reason I had never really thought about it that way before. I may write something to day; a character, a phrase. and think it my best work yet. But I forget that in time my skill with writing will grow and that amazing character will look flat and be filed away under 'good tries'. The Nightin books that I'm working on now will not be my best work. No matter how much I edit it will not be my best book. Actually I'm hope it isn't the best, because in five or ten years I want to be a much better writer. It's almost sad to think that the Nightin books aren't that good. But at the same time it's something to look forward to.
Well I need to rap it up. I'm going to Colorado tomorrow for a week and I have to get some packing done. Hopefully I'll have some pictures for you next week.
Have a blessed two weeks.
Morgan J
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