Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Wedding (all the girls sigh)

I went to a wedding yesterday, a friend of my family's was getting married.  It was really pretty.  The bride and groom were both dressed all in white, the bridesmaids wore black dresses and pink shawls, and the best men had black suits and berry red vests.  My older sister was a bridesmaid, and it is my personal (and of course unbiased) opinion that she was the prettiest bridesmaid there. ;

Actually, this whole wedding thing kind of snuk up on me.  Our friend got engaged, and soon after, her and husband to be decides to have their wedding in October.  That was a few months ago, I knew the whole time that they were going to get marred in October, and I didn't really think about it, the wedding wouldn't be for a long time yet.  All-of-a-sudden, it's in two days.  AHHHH!  Panic!  Hysteria!  Alright, I wasn't that bad.  My mouth did dropped open, and I did stare at my sister with this "What happened to the last six mouths" look on my face.  But on the whole I was calm, cool, and collected.  (collected, ya-right, it's a good thing it wasn't me getting marred) : P 

During the ceremony, the bridegroom surprised his bride by sitting down at the piano and singing a song he wrote for her.  That started a lot of people crying, not me though.  I'm one of those hard harted people who never cry at weddings. ;)  Well, I can't say that for certain, this is after all the only wedding I remember.  I have gone to another one before this, but I was somewhere around four or five years old at the time, and don't remember anything about it. 

After the ceremony there was a reception, and I helped with serving the food and making sure there was enough food out on the tables for everyone.  That was fun, of-course that meant I was not able eat till everyone had gotten their food already and sat down, but that didn't bother me.  Now, if I had been hungry it would have been a different thing all-together, as it turned out I didn't mind the waiting.  :)

That is all for now.

Have a blessed day
Morgan J

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