Friday, October 28, 2011

The Thunder Clouds are Looming on the horizon

Yes, there are thunder clouds coming up on us.  With lightning flashes of inspiration, and the rumbling of the fast approaching deadline.  It's National Novel Writing Month!!!!  YAAAA!!  I have been looking forward to this sense mid September, and now it's all most here!  (dose a giggling, dance across the kitchen) Here I am thinking of all the lovely memories from last November.  The mountains of wonderful writing ideas.  A good excuse to slake of the school work.  The simple joy of curling up in front of the fire place to write a novel.  Ahh, (contented sigh).
But then my mind kicks in . . . Ya, remember the panicked scribbling of the pen, the long hours, not getting enough sleep.  Remember how you were always falling asleep anywhere and everywhere because you got up at 4:00 in morning.  And how in the end you didn't finish because you hand wrote the novel and couldn't get it onto the computer in time.
Ya, ya I remember, but this time is going to be different, (emphatic nod).  This time I have a laptop which I will write on instead of a notebook, and so eliminating the possibility of that last bad memory taking place again.  Also this time I am carefully scheduling my time so I always get a full nights sleep, and won't be pacing out in the middle of church. 
When all is said I'm really, really excited about November, and I think I'm ready.  My little sister is doing it this year to, that should make this year even better then last.  So, what are your thoughts on the coming November?  Is anyone else going to be doing it this year?  And if so are you excited about it?

Sighed with a drop of insperation
Morgan J

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


My sister showed me this short movie, and it really surprised me the answers that some people gave.  I'm a World War II buff, and the fact that some people do not even know who Adolf Hitler was just blows me away.  It's a really interesting movie, and I recommend that you watch it.

Friday, September 16, 2011


I just had to post and tell you all that I just get my first laptop.  AAAAHHHH!! 
It is sooo cool.  I can hardly believe it, even though I'm sitting in my bed right now typing on it.
Last spring I asked Mamma if I could buy a laptop, and I was shocked when she actually said yes.  So I started saving up.  Daddy gave me a part time job cleaning houses over the summer and much to the whole family's surprise I was able to buy my laptop last week.  It is my fist computer ever, and I really really love it. :oD Sadly, I do not have a picture of it that I could you all, but maybe that will come later.
Wishing you all as happy as I am right now
Morgan J  :oD 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Enthusiastic and Vary Thankful

You could call me enthusiastic about the lessons I am now taking.  Sense I am eager and anxious to have them every day (except Sundays), and will brave the 105 degree weather for at lest an hour each time I go.  Besides that, this is something I have wanted to do for years, and never really thought I would.  Now you are probably wondering what I am talking about, so I'll tell you.  I am now taking Martial Arts lessons.  Specifically, Taekwondo.  

As I have said I always wanted to do this, but never saw any possibility of that happening.  A few months ago though, it suddenly struck me, why don't I ask God for martial arts lessons?  It was only month later that my sister mentioned that she had a class mate at Bible School who taught a Taekwondo class.  Two weeks later me and my youngest sister joined, and we have both really enjoyed it.  Right now we just white belts, but hopefully by early August we should be graduating to yellow belts. 

I should be going now, I think my sisters making cookies (yummm!!).  
Have a wonderful day, and God bless.

Morgan J                                                                                                                   

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hello :o)

I'm back!  Yep I'm finally writing again after what . . . two months.  Wow, that's a long time.  Anyway, I have to write and tell you about the SNOW.  Yes you heard me right, I said SNOW.  To be precise a BLIZZARD.  Now to all you who get a foot or two of snow every year this might not sound like a big deal, but to us here in North-East OK it is really big.  Ten inches of snow in one day, and something else that is even more unusual, it's going to stay well below freezing for several days.  Usually, when we get snow it melts with in a day or two, but this stuff is suppose to stay around for awhile.  Yaaaaa! 
So far I have only gone outside once due to the fact that I am currently fighting some cold symptoms.  :o(
But I'm believing and standing on the word, that I am healed by the strips of Jesus.

Wishing you all piles of snowy fun, and a vary blessed day
Morgan J