Saturday, December 27, 2014

New Yeat Resolutaion: Change

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The new year is almost here.  I've been thinking about what my new year resolutions would be and I think I have it.  It's time for a mental change.  Writing has always been a fun hobby for me.  Something I loved doing and hoped one day to do for a living but only when I was grown up.  Well this year I will change that.  I'm still thinking like a want-a-be writer.  If I want to get better I need to change that and start thinking like a professional writer.  So that is my goal this coming year.  Take writing seriously and put all my effort into it instead of a casual attempt.  The way I think has to change before my writing does.

So what are your new year resolutions?

Have a great week 
Morgan J

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bright, Colorful, Loud,

Merry Christmas.  I thought it best to start out with something cheerful because I have been so blatantly neglectful of my blog the last month.  Christmas is almost here.  The tree is up, the lights are lit, hot chocolate has been made and drunk, all the presents have been bought.  Food still needs cooking, still some presents need rapping and the last few candles wait to be light.  This is a bright season.  Bright and colorful and loud.  With lots of demands for my attention and time and money and focus.  I'm trying to remember that this year.  Last year all the hubbub depressed me during one of the happiest times of the year.  Not this year.  This year I will laugh at the business and find the joy and funny behind all the noise.  This year will be the best Christmas ever.  And next year will be better.  Can you tell I'm feeling optimistic?  This a really short post, sorry.  Christmas has been on my mind sense Dec 1 and everything about Christmas has already been said.  I'm happy, excited, and ready.  What else can I say?

All of you have a joyful Christmas.
Morgan J