Saturday, October 18, 2014

Warm Colors and Cold Nightins

My Picture
Summer is coming to an end.  The last flowers have bloomed and the nights are growing longer.  This is the season of warm colors and cold nights.  Of new sweaters and good food.  The year is rapping up and National Novel Writing Month is almost here.  I was ready to start writing a novel in the first week of October.   It has been really hard to keep focus on the stories I have going.  The first edit on the Nightin book has sunk to almost nil.  I'm also writing a story for my sister's Christmas present, and that one is still in the planning stages.   I finally figured out what I'm going to write for November, so that means lots of planning and outlining.  Fall has a lot of anticipation rapped up in it; NaNoWriMo, Thanksgiving and looking forward to Christmas.  Personally I'm expecting to write like crazy this fall.  Drink apple cider and tea.  Put flannel sheets on my bed and see Orion in the sky at night.  Cut out red, orange and yellow leaves for the thanksgiving tree.  Ware my warm coats even in the afternoon and watch the leaves change colors.

I hope you enjoy this short season as much as I do.
Have a blessed week.
Morgan J

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Good Villain

this is not my picture
"Why is the villain always stronger then the hero?"
I asked my sister this after we finished watching the Fantastic Four. 
"So they are hard to beat."
It made sense.  You can't have a good movie when your villain isn't hard to beat.  But it started me thinking.  What does the perfect bad guy look like.  Would he be sneaky and more then a little crazy, like Moriarty?  Would he be like most super villains, extraordinarily powerful and completely bad.   I think the perfect antihero would be like Loki, powerful, manipulative and who can give the appearance of working on the right side.  He would be powerful but he would rely more on his mental powers and manipulation then on strength.  Maybe I'll write the perfect villain.  Someone who comes out on top every time.  Novel Writing Mouth is coming up soon.  Maybe I could write a book about a villain?  I'm not sure.  It's ether that or a story set in my story world, ( that I've been trying to write a story for years).  Ether way I think the perfect villain would be hard to tell from a good guy sometime.  He might help the hero for a while just to further his own ends.  Like Shield and Hydra.  Those two were so much alike at times during the secant Captain America movie that it was hard to tell them apart.  That would be a hard bad guy to catch.  Now that I know how he would acted, I need to find out why.  The best villain would need the best motive.  Greed can only go so far.  Hat is over used and not something I could easily relate to.  No, there has to be a really good motive to be the greatest villain.  I will have to give it more thought.  If any of you have any ideas I would love to here them.
You all have a blessed week.
Morgan J