Sunday, January 29, 2012

I got tagged

Ellie tagged me yesterday.  This should be interesting sense it is my first time being tagged.  So here are the rules:
1) post these rules
2) you must post 11 random things about yourslef
3) answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post
4) create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5) go to their blog and tell them they've been tagged

11 random things about me:

Random #1) I have always wanted to learn how to fly a plane, even though I have never actually flown anywhere.  I just think it would be fun.

Random #2) I have recently discovered that my taste for soda is disappearing.  I use to like soda but as time goes by I like it less and less, now I can only stand drinking one or two kinds.

Random #3) I enjoy putting puzzles together. . . . . And I can't think of anything else to add to that statement.

Random #4) I have lazier vision.  No, I'm not joking, you can ask my sisters.  I am one of those people who are total focused on their goal.  I can walk through a crowded room and be so focused on getting to the other side that I don't see or hear any of the ten friends that I pass.  All I can see is straight ahead of me.  There's my goal, and there's the obstacles I need to maneuver, everything thing else is blocked out.  Sad I know.

Random #5) I like the color black.  I like wearing black cloths.  One of my dreams is to have a long black trench coat like you see in detective movies.

Random #6) I am the unofficial fixer of random, little, tiny, broken things at my house.  I'm not sure how I became the fixer, but some how I got the reputation in my family of being able to repair, mend and generally put back together anything that is small delicate and broken.

Random #7) I am a big fan of bananas.  I love fresh bananas, that are not quit ripe, and have just a ting of green.  Ahh, I'm getting hungry for one just writing about them.

Random #8) I am a collector of notebooks. I keep getting more even though I haven't even started writing in the last one I got.  

Random #9) I really like schoolwork.  That might sound strange to most people, but I like learning things so that makes it work.  Now to be honest math and I have some difficulty's but we're working them out.

Random #10) I read history books for fun.  Especially if they are about WWII or WWI.  I find that time in history most interesting.

Random #11) I enjoy building tree houses.  Probably one of my favorite things to do out side is to work on one of my tree houses.  So far I have a summer house and a winter/all-year-around house.  All the others that I have made in the passed twelve years of my life have ether fallen to peaces or been torn down.  For some strange reason a new tree house pops up almost every spring, it must have something to do with the weather.

That was harder than I thought it would be.  I was running out of idea's there towards the end.  But that is behind me now, on to the 11 questions.

1. Are you a fashion fan and if so, what are your favorite brands and designers?
No, I have barely any sense of fashion.
2. What is your favorite thing to take pictures of? People? Landscapes? Macro shots?
Probably landscapes.  
3. Do you play any instruments.
Do vocal cords count?  
4. Have you ever met a real ninja?
Not that I know of.
5. What's your favorite smell?
Smell?  Um . . . oh! I know!  Daffodils.
6. Do you know any foreign languages?
I can count to ten in Mandarin, Spanish, German, Koren, and English.  But other than that no not really.
7. Did you know that writing these questions is easier than I thought?
8. What do you think about Ghandi and his ideas on civil disobedience and nonviolence?
I know very little about him or his views, but from what I have heard he was a good man who worked to better his country.
9. What's the last thing you ate?
a peanut
10. Have you watched any interesting artistically expressive movies recently?
artistically expressive movies?!?   I'm not sure what that is exactly, but the last movie I watched was Tintin
11. Why do you think there are 11 questions here, and do you like the number 10 is better than 11 or do you really not care?
Well I personally like the number 11, and maybe the person who started this tag liked it to.  I do see your point about 11 being an odd number, but I would have to say that I'm one of those people who really doesn't care.

Now for the 11 questions that I must ask.

1) When do you think you will finally be "grown up"?
2) History or Math?
3) Coffee lover or no coffee love?
4) Shopping with friends or going for a hike?
5) Do you have lazier vision to, or are you gifted with amazing peripheral vision?
6) Chess or Checkers?
7) If you could be a great artist or a famous musician which would you be?
8) Read or write?
9) If you could would you be taller?
10) Which is scarier heights or public speaking?
11) Do you get random words stuck in your head or is that just me?

That was fun.  Now I tag:

Jemimah C.
And anyone else who wants to do it.

You all have a blessed day
Morgan J