Wednesday, September 28, 2011


My sister showed me this short movie, and it really surprised me the answers that some people gave.  I'm a World War II buff, and the fact that some people do not even know who Adolf Hitler was just blows me away.  It's a really interesting movie, and I recommend that you watch it.

Friday, September 16, 2011


I just had to post and tell you all that I just get my first laptop.  AAAAHHHH!! 
It is sooo cool.  I can hardly believe it, even though I'm sitting in my bed right now typing on it.
Last spring I asked Mamma if I could buy a laptop, and I was shocked when she actually said yes.  So I started saving up.  Daddy gave me a part time job cleaning houses over the summer and much to the whole family's surprise I was able to buy my laptop last week.  It is my fist computer ever, and I really really love it. :oD Sadly, I do not have a picture of it that I could you all, but maybe that will come later.
Wishing you all as happy as I am right now
Morgan J  :oD