Monday, December 6, 2010

Urban legend

My mom told me about this little story, and I looked it up.  Now, from all I could find on the internet, the student was not Einstein.  But despite that, it's a good story.  I hope you all enjoy it.

The university professor challenged his students with this question. Did God create everything that exists?
A student bravely replied yes, he did!"
"God created everything?" The professor asked.
"Yes, sir," the student replied.

The professor answered, "If God created everything, then God created evil since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works define who we are then God is evil."
The student became quiet before such an answer.

The professor was quite pleased with himself and boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth.

Another student raised his hand and said, "Can I ask you a question professor?" "Of course", replied the professor. The student stood up and asked, "Professor, does cold exist?"

"What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?" The students snickered at the young man's question.

The young man replied, "In fact sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Everybody and every object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (- 460 degrees F) is the total absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have too little heat.

The student continued. "Professor, does darkness exist?"

The professor responded, "Of course it does".

The student replied, "Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present."

Finally the young man asked the professor. "Sir, does evil exist?"

Now uncertain, the professor responded, "Of course as I have already said. We see it every day. It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. "These manifestations are nothing else but evil."

To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love, that exist just as does light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."

The professor sat down.

The young mans name --- Albert Einstein

Hope you all have a blessed day
Morgan J 

Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm Still Here

Hello all : )
Sorry I haven't written in awhile.  :(  But, do not fear, I have a good excuse.  As you all probably know, I am doing NaNoWriMo and it has been taking up a lot of my free time.  Add to that I still have the never ending supply of school work.  Oh, and choir, and random birthdays that keep sneaking up on me.  Not to mention the fact that our dishwasher has broken down, and we are washing all the dishes by hand, with no immediate sign of relief.  (groans under the tremendous weight)
Ok, so things are not that bad.  All those things are true, but I am actually doing pretty well on my "quota", as I call it.  Of course one must take into account, that I have been getting up at five o'clock in the morning for the last few weeks.  For all those that are inturested here is my average daily schedule, (I say average because being a home shooler my personal schedule is subject to change) ;P

5:00 AM - fall out of bed, stumble around till I find the bathroom, so I can get ready for the day
5:30 AM - creep out to the kitchen trying not to wake anybody up, to get started on my school work.  Recently I have been restarting the fire in the fireplace to.
6:15(ish) AM - Momma gets up, marking the end of my quite mourning
7:00 AM - Mommy wakes up my oldest sister, because she has to go to bible collage in the mornings.  This marks the "general awakening", where miscellaneous family members start getting up
7:30 AM - finish my school work, and some times get on the computer, also I useally have breakfast around this time
7:50 AM - my older sister is heading off to school
8:00 AM - I go out to the barn to take care of the animals,
8:30 AM - I start writing, 

( now here it starts getting unpredictable, the only thing I can say foreshore is that I will be carrying my notebook around all day, writing when ever I get a chance.  Only once have I failed to reach my "quota", and the next day I wrote a page extra.)

8:00 PM - I start thinking of bed time, and rapping up what ever I'm doing, (probably writing)
8:30 PM - I get ready for bed
9:00 PM - this is suppose to be the time I'm go to bed, but usually I don't make it
10:30 to 10:45 PM - this is the time I usually go to bed, this is also the time I have set time aside to talk to God,
11:00 PM - I am probably asleep, (or wishing I was)

So that is pretty much how my day goes.  There is of course the fact that all the time between 8:30 in the morning and 8:00 at night is missing.  But that is the time of the day that I have vary little control over, and it is constantly changing.

Well my time is almost up so I'll have to say good-by for now
Have a blessed day
Morgan J

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fallen Not Forgotten

My dad was on the computer last night listening to his favorite songs, and finding some new ones. Me and my older sister were making suggestions, and enjoy all the good music. We came across this one, that we all really liked, and I thought I'd share it with you.  It's by Ray Boltz.

(the video stopped working)

Hope you enjoyed it,
Have a blessed day,
Morgan J

P.S.  I'm thinking of changing my name, any suggestions?

Monday, October 25, 2010


It's almost here, the write a novel in a month challenge.  I'm a little surprised at myself for not being all excited and worked up.  I guess I haven't quite realized yet that I'll be trying to write 50,000 words in a month.  That's 1,666 words a day, ruffly 5 typed pages a day.  And I don't usually type my stores out on the computer, I write them down the old-fashion way.  So, I'll write down 50,000 words, then turn around and copy it out laboriously on to the computer.  Oh joy.  (wry smile)  Can you tell?  I'm really excited about this. (sleepy yawn) ; P  I have to sign off now.  Pleases drop a note about how you're handling all this stress. : p

I hope you all have a blessed day
Morgan J

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Mourning Sunrise

Hello all you out there!
I got up early this morning, in time to see a really pretty sunrise.  Here are some of the pictures I got.
Beautiful!  Beautiful!

Have a good day and God bless
Morgan J

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I went fishing in my dad's pond for a hour today, and caught . . . drum-roll please . . thank you . . . and I caught . . eleven fat fish.  Yaaa!  Usually I'm not this crazy about fishing, in fact until last Saturday I hadn't caught a single solitary little minnow.  (Except gold fish, but they don't count) ;)
I have to go now.
Have a blessed day
Morgan J

Monday, October 4, 2010

Wedding Pictures

Waiting for the bride . . .
Here she comes . .
Praying before the ceremony begins
Giving each other the rings

That's it sorry, but these are the only good pictures of the wedding ceremony that I have. I hope you enjoyed them.  Please feel free to comment.

Have a blessed day
Morgan J

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Wedding (all the girls sigh)

I went to a wedding yesterday, a friend of my family's was getting married.  It was really pretty.  The bride and groom were both dressed all in white, the bridesmaids wore black dresses and pink shawls, and the best men had black suits and berry red vests.  My older sister was a bridesmaid, and it is my personal (and of course unbiased) opinion that she was the prettiest bridesmaid there. ;

Actually, this whole wedding thing kind of snuk up on me.  Our friend got engaged, and soon after, her and husband to be decides to have their wedding in October.  That was a few months ago, I knew the whole time that they were going to get marred in October, and I didn't really think about it, the wedding wouldn't be for a long time yet.  All-of-a-sudden, it's in two days.  AHHHH!  Panic!  Hysteria!  Alright, I wasn't that bad.  My mouth did dropped open, and I did stare at my sister with this "What happened to the last six mouths" look on my face.  But on the whole I was calm, cool, and collected.  (collected, ya-right, it's a good thing it wasn't me getting marred) : P 

During the ceremony, the bridegroom surprised his bride by sitting down at the piano and singing a song he wrote for her.  That started a lot of people crying, not me though.  I'm one of those hard harted people who never cry at weddings. ;)  Well, I can't say that for certain, this is after all the only wedding I remember.  I have gone to another one before this, but I was somewhere around four or five years old at the time, and don't remember anything about it. 

After the ceremony there was a reception, and I helped with serving the food and making sure there was enough food out on the tables for everyone.  That was fun, of-course that meant I was not able eat till everyone had gotten their food already and sat down, but that didn't bother me.  Now, if I had been hungry it would have been a different thing all-together, as it turned out I didn't mind the waiting.  :)

That is all for now.

Have a blessed day
Morgan J

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Yaaaa!!  I got a A+ on my biology test.  The truth be told, I got a little help with one of the questions.  No, not quite "help", more like a hint.  : p  Anyway, I pasted with flying colors.  I'm so happy. :D

Have a blessed day
Morgan J  (hay that rhymes) :o)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

An Old Story - Pursuit of Light

I just wanted to post this short story I wrote a year ago.  I am not positive about the title, so far it's called Pursuit of Light, but that is subjected to change.  If you find any errors or have any advise pleases tell me.  Now, here it is . .  .

Pursuit of Light

It was dark beneath the trees, the thick foliage obscured the light that otherwise would have filled the dark recesses of the woods.  The only trace of light you could see down there under the trees was a lighter shade of green in the canopy above you.  At one giant tree especially you could almost imagine that there was a ray of light at the top.  At the base of the mighty tree stood a little girl who's clause looked shabby and dark in the gloomy half twilight.  The little girl stood looking up at the lowest limb, and mentally fingering the best way to get up to it.  Finally, taking a few steps back, she took a small rope from her shoulder and tying a big knot in one end, took another step back and tossed the knotted end over the first branch.  Getting a firm grip on both ends of the rope, the little girl began to clime the tree.  The base of the old tree was wide and easy to wake up and the first branch was low on the truck, so the girl had little trouble getting up to it.  As the girl poled her self onto the large branch the wind suddenly rose in the tree tops, and for an instant the branch on which she sat was speckled with dotes of golden sun light.  The girl sat there gazing up at the shifting rays of bright sun light shooting down through the dense gloom of the forest.  Then they were gone, the wind died down and the forest was as dark and gloomy as it had been before.  But for the girl it was more so, she had caught a glimpse of the light and now the forest was darker and the atmosphere was closer then it had been a minute ago.  After the last rays disappeared, the girl looked hurriedly around for the next branch on her way up.  But it was more difficult to find a way up this time, the trunk of the tree went straight up from were she sat and the second branch was much higher then the first had been when she was on the ground.  The little girl tried to through the noted end of her rope over the second branch like she had done with the first.  But while she was sitting astride the limb with her feet braised against the trunk if the tree to steady her self, she could not get the momentum she needed for her rope to clear the branch above her.  Slowly and cautiously the girl polled her feet up underneath her.  Then just as slowly and cautiously she stood up, holding tight to the truck of the tree to keep from falling.  After a few minutes she got up enough courage to try another through at the second branch.  So, balancing gingerly on the branch, with one hand on the truck, she tossed the rope over the branch.  But unfortunately her rope was not long enough, and though the knotted end made it over the branch, she could not reach it, and she could see that even if she through the rope again she could not have made it reach.  So absorbed was she, trying to figure another way up that she did not notes the young man standing under her branch, watching her.  He was tall and though he wasn't hansom, he had a nice face that always looked ready to smile.  Seeing that the girl wanted to get higher but couldn't because her rope was to short.  He called up to her, offering to help, he had a larger rope then the one she had and he would be happy to give her his.  The little girl was delighted, now she would be able to get all the way to the top.  After she had failed to get to the second branch, she had been afraid that she would be stuck on the first branch, with out a chance of getting higher.  The young man took his rope from his shoulder, and reaching back, tossed the coil up to the girl.  She caught it easily and immediately unwound it and repeated the same proses she had just tried.  This time the rope was long enough, it settled over the limb easily.  Then grabbing both ends, she called her thanks down to the young man on the ground and started up again. 
             The shabby, dirty little girl climbed higher and higher.  Several times she was almost forced to give up, but she purity on.  Meany times she narrowly mist falling, but she saved her self by clutching to the rope.  Finally she came to the top,she scrambled up the last branch, and pushed aside the leaves.  The light pored down, covering the little girl in worm golden light, in that light every thing changed, the branch she was sitting on, which at first had looked dull and uninteresting; now shown rich golden brown, every crack and crevice was reviled every inch worm and ant was clear to see.  The little girl's clause, which had before looked dirty and shabby now were shining, white and gold.  The girl sat bathing in the worm golden rays, completely happy, she had reached the light at last.

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Random Topic

I know I haven't written in a while so I'll just through this post out there.  Alright, some of you may know that my family has a garden every year, well last year my sister planted gourds, and this summer what looked liked some sort of gourdish-squashish sort of plant came up next to two big hay bails that we have near the barn.  Of course since no one had planted it we were all curious to see what sort of fruit it would produce.  But as time went on it only got bigger and bigger, and still there was no fruit, not even flowers.  Now it has grown till it covers those two hay bails, as well as the ground between them and the barn.  It did eventually come out with flowers, but its funny, these flowers only bloom at night, and by sun rise they have all wilted.  We now think it must be a kind of high-breed gourd, some thing that can't produce fruit.  The plat its still going strong, even now, and I kinda want it to come back next year, it has been fun watching its progress. 

Have a blessed day, and until I write again good-by.

Friday, September 17, 2010

I Love School!

School really started this week.  Yaaaaa!!!  Ok, I'm done, it's just that I really like school, and I'm not kidding.  I'm the sort of person who looks back at my day almost every night to see if I accomplished something worth-while.  When summer vacation came along at first I enjoyed having no school work, but after a month it began to ware on me.  My days weren't satisfying, almost every night I would look at the day and it felt like I had wasted it.  Pretty soon it got so bad at I couldn't set my mind to anything, I was irritable and dissatisfied, I couldn't even start on my school work early.  Also, things happened that delayed us starting school back up again, but now we're good.  I've got Biology this year, and a new English book (if my sister ever finds it again).  I love all my subjects, math is the hardest but that's because I haven't been doing it all summer.  Oh, and I'm tacking a half semester in Logic, it's pretty easy right now, but then again I've only got to the second chapter. ♥ (o:

Have a blessed day
Morgan J

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My memories of 9-11-01

I wrote this last year, on the 8th anniversary of 9-11.  It's my memories of that day back in 2001, I was only five when this all happened.  I'm still not sure what to call this.  So far its just under "9-11".  Now here it is . . .

I was too little to understand, when my mom turned on the TV and I saw a tower burning.  I thought it was a movie.  I was too little to understand, when my mom started crying.  I thought she was crying about the tower.  She had been there once and she wanted us to go some day.  "This shouldn't have happened, it was a nice tower", was my only thought right then.  It never occurred to me there were people in that building. 

Then the second plane hit.

I didn't know what to do, I couldn't go back drawing.  At first it had been interesting, with the big explosion when the plane hit, but it had all died down now.  It was getting kind of boring just watching the towers smoke. 

Then one of the towers fell.

Momma said something about all those people in the tower.  Then I know I couldn't go back to drawing, it wouldn't be right some how.  At lest not right now.  So I sat on the couch and watched. 

And the last tower fell. 

"All over", I thought, "no one could live under all that".  It still didn't touch me.  I never felt horrified, or angry, or even sad, about all the people lost.  I was a little sad, because Momma was sad.  But I thought the whole time that it was the buildings she was sad about.  It wasn't till years later that I understood.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise his Name, I’m fixed upon it,
Mount of Thy redeeming love.

Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood;
How His kindness yet pursues me
Mortal tongue can never tell,
Clothed in flesh, till death shall loose me
I cannot proclaim it well.

O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Well the worms may not have gone over as well as hoped for, but me and my older sister had another idea while we were decorating the kitchen.  We (I really mean I) blow up two big trash bags full of balloons, and got a headache while doing it.  Someone should put a warning on the balloons: when blowing up a large number of balloons use cation, side affects may occur, headaches, blurred vision, general lack of oxygen.  Anyway, back to the story, we waited till after super and Wyatt (my little brother) was playing in the living-room.  Me and my older sister each had a bag, and at the same time we both dumped our balloons on him.  Well things progressed after that, to a family wide balloon fight.  That was probable the funnest part of the day, everyone enjoyed it, even the dog, she got to pop one or two. (o: 

Monday, September 6, 2010

So much for the Worms.

Well I gave Wyatt his worms and dirt in a pot, but he wasn't really impressed.  In fact, he didn't like them and said so.  He refused to eat any of the gummy worms, even after we (other siblings) showed him by eating them, that the worms weren't real.  Finally, we gave up, he would try them eventually, he did several hours later.  And I am happy to report, almost all the worms have been dug out and eaten, despite my constant efforts to keep it stocked. (o:

Happy Birthday!

Today my little brothers birthday.  He has turned into a big boy of five.  A few weeks ago, I told him I was going to get him a pot of worms for his birthday, and he didn't believe me.  But now I've come through, and I've just told him that when he wakes up from his nap I'm going to give him his pot of worms.  For some strange resin Wyatt is not excited, he doesn't seem to want his worms, but don't worry he will like them when he sees them. 

P.S.  Just to let you all know, so you don't think I'm a terrible sister or something.  I have a pot filed with crushed Oriels and gummy worms.  It actually looks purity good. (o:

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Just to let you know, I finished Reilly's Luck to day, all 229 pages.  It was purity good, easy to read, and had a good end.  All good books must have a good ending, except, maybe, a really really good book, like The Last Of The Mohicans.  Anyway, I probably would have finished Reilly's Luck sooner, but Friday and Saturday, things were rather busy, and I didn't get around to reading it.  So I had to finish it to day. 
Right now I debating what to read next, I have five new World War II books from the library, and three more Louis L'Amour books also from the library.  I've already started, one of the WWII books, I might finish that one before starting any more.  Yaa, that sounds good, I probably do that.  But knowing me, I wouldn't count on it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Verse from Proverbs

I have been thinking on this one verse for several weeks now. and I hope you all get something from it.  

Proverbs 29:11 says
"A foolish person lets his anger run wild. But a wise person keeps himself under control." 

In another version it says, 

"A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards".  

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Louis L'Amour

I started a Louis L'Amour book to day and I'm almost done with it already. It's called Reilly's Luck, and there are 229 pages in it. As yet I haven't figured out why it's called Reilly's Luck, because he's not the main character, and he ends up dieing 1/3 of the way through the book (some luck). Anyway, I like it so far, it's really interesting. Louis L'Amour is arguably my favorite author, I've read around 100 of his short stories, and 10 or 20 of his novels. He wrote mostly westerns, but he did write at lest one historical fiction, and a sy fy novel. I believe he wrote some poetry to, but I haven't read any.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Philbrook Museum

We spent the after-noon at the Philbrook museum today.  They had a special exhibit about ancient Egypt, with mummy's and coffins and stone statues.  It is a vary pretty building, three floors with a big garden in the back.  There was a big black and white cat on the tares that wanted to get into the museum, and when I was going in after looking at the garden the cat slipped in and went walking around the hallways.  He seemed completely at home so I wasn't sure if he didn't belong there, but just to be sure I told one of the lady's who worked there, and she got the cat out.  Apparently there are a few cats that live on the estate, this ones name is Acer.  We had a lot of fun there and the Egyptian exhibit was really cool.  Acer made the museum seem more like the house it originally was. (o:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Inevitable

Well the news from Kamchatka is still sad, the King died a few days ago.  His granddaughter is going to be crowned today, the monarchs of Kamchatka have always been crowed on Sunday, after the morning service to remind the new ruler and people that they would always need God's help. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010


The electricity went out yesterday for no reason it seemed.  It turns out something at the electricity place stopped working, and over 900 people lost electricity.  Daddy hooked up the generator and some how it blow out almost all the transformers in the house, most of the radios and one of the computers.  We got electricity back last night, but low and behold our AC had also been broken.  So we are stuck in the heat of summer with no AC.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Temps! Yaaa!

I just got my temps today, I had to take a reading test first, because I'm home schooled and they want to make shore I can read.  I past the written test with only three wrong answered, but the funny thing about it was that I hadn't finished reading the book yet. (o:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,

Over a quaint and curious volume of Edgar Allan Poe.  One of my favorite poems is the Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, I read it aloud the other day for my grandmother and sisters.  I've read it aloud several times and every time I do, I unconsciously put on a English accent.  Its funny, because I can't hear it, but my sisters and grandmother can.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Inspiration from the Bible

Recently I got an inspiration for some short story's.  I could tell some of the Bible story's from a fictional characters view.  Right now I'm working on the crossing of the Red Sea, from a Egyptians point of view.  Of course the hero dies in the end, but that doesn't matter. lol 

I would like to do a series of Bible story's, like the creation, the fall, the flood, and others I haven't figured out yet.  I hope I can do the crucifixion, I'm not sure if I can right now.  I have always been kind of afraid of the crucifixion, I don't know exactly way, maybe I'm afraid to comprehend how terrible it was, maybe I'm scared of what I'll feel like when I find out.  I don't now, but I'll probably find out soon.

Sad news for Kamchatka

Kamchatka is a peninsula on the east cost of Russia, really close to Alaska.  Well I took Kamchatka and made it an imaginary country, roiled by a made up royal family of Alkeav.  Well, the sad news is the present King is dying of a hart condition, and isn't expected to live through the next two weeks.  His granddaughter is going to inherit the throne after he dies, she is my first virtual friend.  Needless to say she is really sad, and so is everyone else, because he has been a really good king.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My new friends

I just recently made myself four virtual friends.  There really fun, two are my age, one is two years younger, and the last is a adult.  They all live in Kamchatka Russia, and are part of a fictional royal family, that I also made up.